Friday, November 1, 2013

Another nest box installation trip to Belize is planned - we'd love your help!

I'm really excited to kick off another round of fundraising  for a trip to install more artificial cavities for the Belizean Yellow-headed Parrot!  My original collaboration at Payne's Creek National Park with TIDE (Toledo Institute for Development and the Environment ), an NGO operating out of Punta Gorda, Belize, resulted in the first ever occurence of this species successfully breeding in artificial cavities.  What next?  I plan to return on the second anniversary of this idea hatching - literally - and help the great folks at TIDE and another southern Belize NGO, the Ya'axche' Conservation Trust install more artificial cavities for this critically endangered parrot on protected conservation lands between the Caribbean Sea and Maya Mountains - the Maya Golden Landscape.  My son, Larkin, and I will travel to Belize in January 2014 to install more of these really big artificial cavities inside living and dead pine trees with some of the folks doing incredible field work in southern Belize with very few resources.  We plan to donate more equipment to help them monitor and construct more nest cavities in the future.
First eggs discovered in a nest box.  It works!
Nestling Yellow-headed Parrots in their new home.
Photos courtesy Mario Muschamp / TIDE
You can be involved in the effort to save the magnificent Belizean Yellow-headed Parrot from extinction by donating to this project.

Once again, I am seeking your help to defray the costs of installing artificial cavities (similar to those we pioneered right here in the Southeastern US for the Red-cockaded Woodpecker) to provide nesting habitat for the Yellow-headed Parrot.

Your financial support will make this trip happen and cover the substantial costs of bringing equipment including a chainsaw, climbing gear and collapsible ladders.  My goal is to raise $3000 to cover travel, food, lodging and equipment expenses.  Your generous contributions made this work two years ago - feel free to pass this information along to friends that you think might help this time.  I've kept my same Paypal donation button as I had in 2011-12, managed by our family-run wildlife company, North Florida Wildlife LLC.  All funds will benefit this project only and will provide direct support for the installation of at least 10 more nest boxes for the Yellow-headed Parrot in 2014.

This project also has a Facebook page with a donation link through Fundrazr.  Thanks for the help!

Check out this neat story about the parrot project on TIDE's website:

And this one from Massachusetts Audubon - thanks Mass Audubon for a generous $500 grant to assist with this venture!  You got us started and we really appreciate it.